Letter to The Independent:
It is foolish to dignify or prolong the hoax 'debate' (Dominic Lawson et al) as to whether or not our Home planet is in the early stages of a fever, with any response. (Letters 30th Oct) The Pope IS Catholic. And more than 99% of scientists know that man has triggered an Earth-warming event that looks like spiralling out of control. It IS that big. Attempts to deny this, and to defend Big Oil, would be laughable, if not so sick.
The only debate that should be raging (yes raging) in every home, pub, office, street corner TV show and newspaper - is why the escalating severity of that fever is being covered up, and the real threat being UNDERestimated by mainstream science, not overdone. The patient's decline is currently rapid. What can we can do to ameliorate things for our sick Mother?
In the UK, millions from civic society can march on Whitehall on the 5th December, as 'The Wave'.
Or we can listen to those who pretend She is fine, and kid themselves it wasn't the smoking.